aggiornato il 09 febbraio, 2001

Notizie e Risorse in Rete di uso professionale anno 2000-1

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Salute e inquinanti ambientali

Trans-NIH Collaboration With NIOSH Initiates Studies of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, in collaboration with six other National Institutes of Health components, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, today announced 12 five-year projects that will provide scientists with a better understanding of how social and physical environmental factors interact to impoverish the health of racial and ethnic minorities.NIEHS Press Release - Trans-NIH Collaboration With NIOSH Initiates Studies of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health - January 4, 2001
PBBs in Fire Retardant Associated with Early
Menstruation in Michigan Girls Whose Mothers
were Exposed in 1973

Foods that were contaminated in Michigan in 1973, when a fireretardant containing the chemical polybrominated biphenyl PBBwas accidentally mixed with animal feed, have been associated with an early onset of menstruation and pubic hair in some daughters of the women exposed, scientists reported in the journal Epidemiology (Nov. 2000, Vol. 11, No. 6.)
NIEHS Press Release - PBBs in Fire Retardant Associated with2000 Early Menstruation in Michigan Girls Whose Mothers were Exposed in 1973 - Chemical Exposures Linked To Early Puberty - December 8, 2000
Health Disparities Research

The affluent citizens of this Nation enjoy better health than do its minority and poorer citizens. The most striking health disparities involve shorter life
expectancy among the poor, as well as higher rates of cancer, birth defects,infant mortality, asthma, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Although health care access might account for some of this disparity, the differences in environmental and occupational exposures are also thought to play a role.
Minority and poorer communities are more likely to live in polluted environments and to work in hazardous occupations.

Health Disparities Research - Introduction

Study Shows Air Pollution Slows Lung Function Growth in Children

Common air pollutants slow children's lung development over time, according to results from the University of Southern California-led Children's Health Study. The 10-year-long study is considered one of the nation's most comprehensive studies to date of the long-term effects of smog on children. The study was initiated with support from the California Air Resources Board and was funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Hastings Foundation NIEHS Press Release - Study Shows Air Pollution Slows Lung Function Growth in Children - October 20, 2000

14.04 12/10/2000
9th Report on Carcinogens 2000 - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Public Health Service - National Toxicology Program
The 9th Report on Carcinogens

National Institutes of Health The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

An Ad Hoc Panel Convened to Assist the
NIEHS with Developing a Preliminary
Research Strategy Relating to Health and
Environmental Aspects of Exposure to Dioxin and
Related Compounds in Vietnam
August 18, 2000
10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Hyatt Regency Monterey Resort and Conference Center
Monterey, California
Sponsored and Organized by the
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina


10.17 16/11/2000
65:68261-68870 - Ergonomics Program; Final Rule
Information Date: 11/14/2000
Federal Register #: 65:68261-68870
Type: Final
Agency: OSHA
Subject: Ergonomics Program; Final Rule
CFR Title: 29
Ergonomics Program; Final Rule

Articoli e siti che presentano ricerche sulla percezione dei rischi

Ippocrate Home Page - Pegaso: Guida alle risorse di Internet per La Medicina, Canale Telematico fra Psichiatria e Medicina Generale.

Guida Alle Risorse di Internet per la Medicina e le Biodiscipline

JOB STRESS NETWORK, the home page of the Center For Social Epidemiology. The purpose of this site is to bring together, for public dissemination, information about and related to Job Strain (specifically) and Work Stress (in general).

Home Page CSE
dal sito " BandieraGialla"

Etnopsichiatria: quando il disagio mentale riguarda l'immigrato

a cura Mario Ragazzi

Conversazione con il prof. Alberto Merini, dell'Istituto di Psichiatria "P. Ottonello" dell’Università di Bologna, responsabile del Centro di studio e di ricerca in psichiatria multietnica "G. Devereux".

Interventi - Etnopsichiatria

Blind faith

Are pilots lulled into a false sense of security by reassuring computer prompts?

COMPUTER SYSTEMS designed to reduce human error in aircraft cockpits, nuclear plants and intensive care units can have the opposite effect. A new study is the first to make a direct comparison between performance on tasks carried out with and without the aid of a computer. Rather than improving overall performance and decision making, the researchers found that in certain situations the computer prompts actually made people more prone to errors.

New Scientist: Blind faith
Le politiche della salute - Documenti dalle Agenzie Internazionali
1 febbraio 2000 - Nel Bollettino della Organizzazione mondiale della Sanità , vol.78 , numero 1 2000 viene affrontato il tema della salute nel mondo con il paradigma di lettura della povertà e delle differenze che questa genera nella salute, nella qualità e nelle aspettative di vita.
In questa epoca di esaltata retorica sulla globalizzazione e sulle magnifiche sorti progressive del "pensiero unico" i dati e le evidenze che emergono da questi rapporti dovrebbero rimettere coi piedi per terra molti apologeti dello stato di cose esistenti...

Bulletin of the World Health Organization
The International Journal of Public Health
Volume 78, Number 1, Bulletin 2000, 1-152.

Poverty and inequity: a proper focus for the new century by Richard G.A. Feachem: vol.78, no.1, 1.

WHO Bulletin/vol.78 no.1

Banche Dati - schede sostanze chimiche

UNEP Chemicals is the center for all chemicals-related activities of the United Nations Environment Programme. Our goal is to make the world a safer place from toxic chemicals. We do this by helping governments take needed global actions for the sound management of chemicals, by promoting the exchange of information on chemicals, and by helping to build the capacities of countries around the world to use chemicals safely. Welcome to our Home Page.

UNEP Chemicals (IRPTC), Geneva

Diritti e libertà nella Società dell'informazione

Droits Et Libertés
face à
de la Société

Siti sui temi della salute e della sicurezza nel lavoro


Volume 10 number 1 April 2000

Volume 10 number 2 August 2000

Ministero del Lavoro e della Solidarietà- Repubblica di Francia

Dossier sulla prevenzione della epatite C

Ce dossier a été réalisé par la Direction Générale de la Santé et par la Direction des Hôpitaux (DGS-VS2/DH-EO2).
Son objectif est d'apporter une information complète et actualisée sur l'hépatite C.
Il s'agit d'informations médicales et pratiques relatives à l'hépatite C.
Selon les rubriques, les informations sont plus particulièrement destinées, soit aux professionnels de santé, soit aux patients porteurs du virus de l'hépatite C ou à leur entourage, enfin à toute personne souhaitant simplement en savoir plus sur ce virus, sa prévention et ses conséquences sur l'état de santé.

Le point sur : Hépatite C

Canada - un portale su salute e sicurezza nel lavoro

Le Portail de référence en santé et sécurité du travail (PRESST) est un centre virtuel de référence en matière de santé et de sécurité du travail

Bienvenue au PRESST, votre guide francophone vers les ressources disponibles en santé et en sécurité du travail (SST) dans Internet. Nous souhaitons que ce site devienne votre porte d’entrée vers l’information recherchée dans ce domaine en vous guidant le mieux possible dans vos recherches. Le PRESST a été conçu comme un outil simple, efficace et relativement complet.
PRESST - Qu'est-ce-que le PRESST

Conselho Regional de Engenharia, Arquitetura e Agronomia do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
il sito Répertoire Internet SST - CCHST - CANADA Sites Web par sujet, par genre d'information, par ordre alphabétique, etc. ajouté/revisé ce mois-ci -Groupes de discussion

Répertoire Internet SST du CCHST
Un portale sul "risk management"

What is is the first Internet company to focus exclusively on the needs of the environmental and health and safety professional. The vertical portal serves the EHS community by providing rich proprietary content and partnering with others in the profession to provide a variety of services including news, a career center andcoming soon, an online marketplace. reaches
thousands of EHS professionals in industry, services and
governments around the world.


AgSafe: Agricultural Safety Training Materials

AgSafe, Coalition for Health and Safety in Agriculture

AgSafe is a non-profit coalition of groups and organizations dedicated to the reduction of injuries, illness, and fatalities in California agriculture. These safety training materials were developed in cooperation with the Safety Center, Inc. and the Farm Employers Labor Service. The materials are being disseminated in the public domain for the use of and distribution by any group or organization involved in agricultural work.

NASD: AgSafe Project: Agricultural Safety Training Materials

NASD: AgSafe Project: Manejando Pesticidas con Seguridad: Manuscrito


Questa settimana vi proponiamo il

sito The Building Air Quaility Alliance ... works to improve indoor air quality through partnerships with commercial, institutional and public buildings.
We'll provide you with a practical action plan and specific checklist to guide you in implementing industry acknowledged best practices of building care.
Building Air Quality Alliance(Netscape Enhanced)

Ministero del lavoro e della solidarietà - Francia

le politiche di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro

Ministère de l'emploi : Actualités

La surveillance du marché: présentation sicurezza macchine



Health & Safety Executive (HSE)
(United Kingdom)


Prevenzione incendi e sicurezza: risponde l'esperto

Semplice, veloce e di particolare utilità per gli utenti meno esperti, questo servizio è offerto gratuitamente dal Coordinamento Nazionale Fp-Cgil Vigili del Fuoco.
Si avvale del contributo dei massimi esperti del settore coordinati dai componenti della Cgil all'interno del Comitato Tecnico Scientifico del Ministero dell'Interno Corpo Nazionale Vigili del Fuoco.


ANACT -Enquête conditions de travail 1998

Le Ministère de l'emploi et de la solidarité (Direction de l'animation de la recherche, des études et des statistiques) a réalisé en 1998 sa dernière enquête conditions de travail.
Enquête conditions de travail 1998 : violence au travail
Bienvenue sur Noso Web : le site consacré à la lutte contre les infections nosocomiales de l'Unité d'Epidémiologie Hospitalière du Service d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique du CHRU de Lille. Noso Web

PISTES, sito della Rivista interdisciplinare PISTES in materia di salute e sicurezza nel lavoro

Perspectives interdisciplinaires sur le travail et la santé (PISTES)
PISTES -- Menu principal


Web Sites Data Base in Occupational Health and Safety of BTS (Bureau de Technique Syndical) della Confederazione dei Sindacati Europei C.E.S.




Archivio risorse in rete 1998

Archivio Notizie sulle risorse in rete del 1997

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